Saturday, July 29, 2023

Do you unload your handgun before stashing it in a lockbox?

So whenever I enter places where I can't carry (post office, school, etc.) I stash my carry gun in a pistol lock box that's attached to my seat rails via steel cable and tucked under my seat to keep it out of sight.I would prefer to keep the pistol holstered in the lock box, but that's simply not an option because a box tall enough to fit my holstered Glock 19 wouldn't fit under my seat.I don't bother to unload the pistol before locking it up because I don't keep anything else in the box and can't imagine anything coming in contact with the trigger. But I figured I'd ask the community. Is it unsafe to keep a loaded handgun in a lock box?And before anyone asks:1. The pistol is holstered BEFORE it's tucked back into my waistband.2. I park on the street in these situations because I can't remember whether I'm even allowed to keep a gun in the parking lot. via /r/CCW

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