Friday, July 14, 2023

Shallow cracks in self defense club. Still good?

So I have a club approximately the length of a short baseball bat, with a natural curve to the branch serving as a taped handle that fits very nicely in the palm. As it is lighter and shorter than a bat it carries a similar wallop, but can more easily be used in one hand (or switch back and forth on grip) and in tight spaces. I’ve whacked it against a lot of stuff to check it’s toughness, and the cracks were actually there in the wood already when I made the bugger… but I can’t help but worrying about the thing snapping at the wrong time. The cracks seem very shallow and not to affect the durability of the club much, but is this something I should worry about anyway? Is there any way to check how deep they run without wrecking the club? And would it help to put some wood hardener/gap filler stuff from Home Depot on the sucker -side question there, would that stuff just improve aesthetics or does it actually harden up the wood? I know it’s sometimes used to keep rotting wood from falling apart and that works for door frames or whatever but I can’t imagine spraying up a moldy, termite infested powdery stump would suddenly turn it into a boulder, but maybe I’m wrong there, I don’t have any experience with that product.

TLDR I have a club made from a thick branch with some seemingly shallow cracks in it, they don’t seem to be a problem but I’m wondering if anyone knows better if they could be and also what to do to fix said club if needed

Thanks in advance! And I’m fairly new to this sub so if there’s a better or more specific place to ask this question please do let me know

Submitted July 14, 2023 at 02:22PM by VisitFancy2838

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