Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Considering carrying at work against company policy, looking for some input

Going to make this as vague as possible for obvious reasons, but I could use some input.I work in a place that bans staff carry of weapons. I EDC in every other aspect of life, but not at work mostly for fear of losing my career. However a coworker was murdered and another seriously injured at work recently, and I trust the security measures even less than I previously did even if my employer makes a show of improving them. As we know, violent people prefer disarmed targets, and at the end of the day I don't thibk my employer will arm security or allow staff with CCWs to start carrying. Unfortunately switching employers in my field wouldn't make a difference on that, as it's pretty universal that similar/competing employers are also gun-free zones. For that reason I am considering going against company policy and carrying. I am looking for input on two things: 1.) What method would folks recommend for deep concealment in a non-permissive environment? I am considering a CCW fanny pack for a few reasons. First, I wear scrubs for work and won't have a belt. I'm aware of PHLSTER and similar systems, but am looking at fanny packs over that because I work in a pretty active hands-on capacity, and accidently lifting my shirt and revealing a pistol could end my entire career. Second, I work hands-on with confused and occasionally combative people, and having my pistol in a zipped pouch would give me added peace of mind if they were grabbing at me. 2.) How would you go about assuaging the concerns of a partner in this situation? My partner is completely pro-gun, but has concerns more about me getting caught and losing my job. We will be having kids within the next few years, and they are concerned about the prospect of me getting caught, losing my job and forcing them to become sole provider. Of course they also know they'd be forced to become sole provider if one day I didn't come home from work. But any other thoughts you can offer to ease their mind would be appreciated.Thanks for whatever input! I won't be entertaining guesses about where I work or anything. Also, I'm not looking for "just carry, screw your partner," that's not helpful. They have real concerns that I do share, but I think the risk-benefit leans in favor of carryingEdit: not sure why the downvotes, but I really appreciate everyone's input, especially giving me opposing point of view. Receiving texts from my employer saying to run, hide, fight because of an active shooter and hearing two coworkers were shot and one killed has me a bit emotional. I don't want to make emotional mistakes, so I appreciate the thoughts and lack of confirmation bias despite being the CCW sub. via /r/CCW

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