Friday, July 14, 2023

"Prankster" with a vendetta

tl;dr: Prankster tries to steal my phone for lolz and gets pepper sprayed. Threatens retaliation on two occasions week apart.

I can't fight and my legs don't work well. Please recommend non-lethal means of defense that allow for distance.

Context: I weight around 54 kilograms, 183 centimeters tall and I look rather petite.

This one guy who is similar height of approximately 181 centimeters and has average musculature decided that I'd be his "prank victim".

About a week ago he tried to steal my phone out of my hands as a form of some idiotic prank. I pulled back when I saw him and he started laughing in my face.

I got scared as he's much stronger than me, but I pretended that everything is fine and started walking. He tried it again; I pepper sprayed him immediately.

He went on a rant on how I'm somehow insane. He called me various slurs and said that I'm a "filthy Ukrainian" and threatened to bring his own pepper spray "next time" and that I'm lucky he didn't have it on him that day.

This all happened in front of a now defunct help center for Ukranian refugees in Poland.

I called the police, but nothing came out of it. The operator didn't instruct me to stay, so I called my dad and bailed it out of there.

Fast forward to two days ago, I'm back in the area for an unrelated business; this guy recognizes me as I'm exciting the bus, sticks his head out the bus window and starts yelling threats at me.

Problem: I can't defend myself unarmed, at all. My punches are soft, my knees hurt and I can't run much and my body also tends to react with indescribable fear rather than fight response when I am in danger.

Question: What can I do to protect myself, ideally while maintaining distance?

I have absolutely no experience in self defense, I only ever owned pepper sprays and actually had to use it once so far after carrying them for the past 10 years.

Ideally I need something that isn't bulky, doesn't resemble a real gun and that especially isn't going to cause any serious harm. I'm not looking to hurt anyone.

Submitted July 14, 2023 at 04:53AM by CodenameCarrotCake

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