Thursday, July 13, 2023

CCW opinions

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, The time has come for me to replace my ccw and acquire something that I might actually enjoy carrying. Currently I have a p320 Nitron base, and while it is a fun gun to shoot, I don’t feel it’s suitable as a ccw for me anymore. The gun is often times too heavy and thick for me to comfortably conceal in casual clothes without a belt and I often find myself having it as a “truck gun” instead. While I’m aware I can just put a belt on underneath my clothes, I find that horribly “mid” and would rather just get a better gat. I’m looking at p365XL’s and glonk 43/48 Mos series as serious replacements. I’m a LEO and I just have the most experience and trust in those two brands. Looking for thin profile and above 10 rounds. I understand shield arms makes 15 rd flush magazines for 43/48 and that’s why I am considering that platform. If anyone has experience with other brands or pistols in serious applications please leave suggestions! Side note: holster suggestions also appreciated for AIWB via /r/CCW

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