Sunday, July 18, 2021

'Women's Self-Defense' Videos

I fell down the rabbit hole of watching "women's self-defense" videos on YouTube. Most of the videos I watched were popular, with tens of thousands of views and mostly positive upvotes.

Here are a few things I learned:

• Violent predators have extremely low pain thresholds. They will leave you alone if you just pinch them hard or press a pressure point.

• Attackers rarely use more than one hand when attacking.

• If someone grabs you (with one hand, of course!), they won't let go for any reason, allowing you plenty of time to apply a complicated joint lock.

• Groin shots are death rays.

• A car key is the most effective hand-held weapon ever developed by humanity.

• If someone attacks you with a knife, don't worry about controlling the hand holding the knife or attempting a disarm. Just block the attack.

• Punches and palm strikes work even if there is absolutely no power behind them.

• It's not necessary to pressure-test techniques against aggressive, resisting, non-compliant opponents. Why are you doubting sensei?

Submitted July 18, 2021 at 04:43PM by AGentInTraining

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