Sunday, July 4, 2021

Trouble in CCW paradise

I’m a new CCWer and have spent months researching CCW setups and handling countless guns in stores and this has led me to a S&W Shield Plus 4”+JMCK enigma shell+Phlster Enigma. I’ve had this set up for almost two weeks now and while I still need to do some adjusting, I’m in love, this set up is very comfortable, doesn’t print AT ALL, and fits seamlessly with my wardrobe in ways a belt setup can’t. There’s only one problem. The gun sits really close to my cockadoodle doohickey, and while I know the gun WONT go off unless the trigger is pulled, AND I have a good holster so it will be safe in the holster, I have this squeamish feeling in the back of my mind that despite my careful reholstering, one day I’m gonna have an oopsie and send a hot 9mm vibe check down south to my pet snake and seriously inhibit my child making abilities, or in a slightly less unfortunate turn of events, blow out my femoral artery and bleed to death. Either scenario is not looking good. The way I see it, I have a couple ways forward from here. Either I keep carrying, ingrain proper reholstering habits, and gain enough confidence to expel these worries from my mind. (These worries haven’t stopped me from carrying but just about every time I holster the gun I think about it.) Or I sell the shield plus and pick up the Glock 48, my second choice carry gun, and get a striker control device to have an extra layer of security. Or, alternatively I pick up a DASA gun like a P-07, PX4, etc and get that same extra level of security from thumbing the hammer. I know that people appendix carry striker fired guns all the time with no issues, I just didn’t expect to feel kinda squeamish abt NDs and I’m torn on how to proceed in my CCW journey. via /r/CCW

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