Wednesday, July 21, 2021

POM Pepper Spray

This stuff is no joke. The only videos I’ve seen of people using this were by the people selling the stuff so I thought they might just be acting.Background: I’ve been level 1 twice and level 2 many timesExperience: I bought a 6 pack off Amazon and wanted to test it out in my backyard. The stream reached about 7 feet in mild wind. I couldn’t smell it at all so I thought it wasn’t good. I proceeded to spray my hand and it only felt like a mild irritant. I was kind of upset thinking it was bunk since I remember very vividly my past experiences with OC. The strong smells and the extreme burning sensations. I then rubbed it into my eyes to test it out and instant regret filled me. Eyes slammed shut and it brought me back to the first time I got sprayed in the academy. except this time there was no objective or dummies to takedown so it felt way worse. Devil’s piss indeed.Overall I’m happy it’s the real deal. The canister is really compact so if you have bigger hands it’s probably not for you.TLDR: Bought pepper spray. Didn’t think it was legit. Rubbed into eyes. Is legit. via /r/CCW

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