Saturday, July 24, 2021

New Job Firearm Policies - Need Carry Advice!

I live in a generally pro-2A state and am licensed to carry. Well, I started a new job last month, but I recently stumbled upon a portion of the employee handbook talking about the company's firearm policy. While they aren't explicitly anti-gun, the term "Fudd" may be more accurate. The only employees allowed to have firearms on company property are those with a carry license. However, even those with a permit must submit a copy of their carry permit to HR and keep their firearms secured in their vehicles at all times while on the premises.Well, I've been daily carrying a Walther PPS IWB as usual, but now I'm a bit nervous. If my shirt rides up or if I'm printing even the least bit, I'm nervous about getting busted and having disciplinary action possibly up to and including termination. They do mention elsewhere in the handbook that they reserve the right to search my desk, my bags, car, etc. or anything else on company property. FWIW, my workplace is a typical office environment and there's no security, checkpoints, metal detectors, etc. so enforcement of this is nearly impossible. Except that if I out myself to HR as a concealed carrier, am I potentially exposing myself to random checks to make sure my handgun is secured in the car?So I guess here are my options:Cave to the policy, disarm, submit my permit to HR to get some brownie points with management, and become a completely vulnerable sheep in the event of any instance of workplace violence. This is best for job security, but worst for my actual security.Give my permit to HR and acknowledge the policy, tell them my handgun is stored in my car but continue carrying anyway. This is the middle ground, but it seems risky and foolish.Do nothing. Keep carrying as usual and let the chips fall where they may. This is the choice of maximum freedom and safety from external threats.I'm leaning towards #3 but maybe taking some steps to carry in a way that's more deep cover than traditional IWB. Like possibly buying something like an LCP and ankle or pocket carrying. Thoughts? Just wanted to see what y'all would do or if you've got any angles I hadn't considered. via /r/CCW

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