Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Insecurities about Krav Maga.

I am a Krav-Maga student from Bukan, Brazilian.

Iv ever trained Muay-Thay and Karate (Shotokan) for a long time.

Chose Krav Maga now because it is a self defense thing, not a martial art. But I am getting a little frustrated in the training. The movements are easy, intuitive and could use them even if in danger.

Problem is... The training seems very light and slow. Of course it is easy to do them with your training pals and attack the maguens (foam shields); but I wouldn't feel confident im a real life situation. The main problem I believe is the lack of sparring (even though it is hard to do a mock fight with suck agressive movements) and realistic agressors simulation. Do you have any suggestions? I though about going into a boxing/muay thay dojo. But most of them here in Brazil are more focused in weight lost than self defense. I would love to have access to guns, but they aren't very easily acessible here; but I am always carring a blade inside my pocket.

PS: I am a white belt, but I watch the older pals train. And they don't convince me. I wouldn't be very affraid to pick a fight with one of then. Not being arrogant, I am not saying they are bad and I am good. I believe I would get beaten, but they aren't as intimidating as muay thay and boxing people.

Submitted July 07, 2021 at 05:13PM by Joseias_BR

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