Saturday, July 10, 2021

Attempted home invasion last night. What now?

Hey y'all,As the title says, someone attempted to break in to our house last night just past midnight. My wife and I were awoken by a thud and I immediately grabbed my gun and swept the house to find nothing. When I got back to the bedroom, my wife was checking our outside camera's live steam and saw someone on the porch moving the camera. She calls 911 and stays in the bedroom and I go back out to make sure they don't get in.I went back towards the front porch and saw a right 6 foot tall man just outside the window peering in to see if anyone was in sight to jump in. That's when I drew on him and he ran away. Police got there shortly after, swept the property, brought in k9, unfortunately found nothing in the surrounding neighborhood.This is the second time the same man tried getting in, both times were on camera, and both withing 30 days from one another. Police are worried that we're being targeted and I have this awful gut feeling and I dont feel safe where I currently am anymore. Moreso, I'm worried about protecting my wife.I've been around guns all my life and have always been under the impression that I'd rather go to therapy for protecting myself than to go for losing someone but fuck, I feel gutted.I plan on seeing a therapist and moving as soon as possible but in the meantime, those of you who've been in a similar situation, how did you deal with it because I'm really struggling right now.Mods, please feel free to delete if this isn't allowed. via /r/CCW

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