Sunday, July 18, 2021

Are there any old kung fu self defense videos?

Hi. Are there any good old kung fu video courses from real shaolin or kung fu masters? I mean.. The real deal. Right movements of self defense if others attacks you without your permission on the street or whatever? Please link some guide or knowledge. I want to learn the asian style of movements.. It should not be focused on hurting others but to protect yourself mostly from others. But if anyone would want to hurt me i want to be able to knock then down also or take some hold/lock and not hurt them..

Should i join like kung fu training for that self defense? Is the shaolin art style kung fu? Monks who never use violence, but can defend themselves extremely giid if necessary. Link all you know. I could ask on some asian forum i guess.. Like old masters or legit kung fu movements in video.. Old video knowledge. Thanks! Thai chi, qi gong and kung fu are connected right? Which asian is the most respected today in the art of self defense? When it coems to training, movements and skills. Life dedication, meditation and so on? zen or movements.

I want to be able to avoid others taking a hold of me without my persmission.. Others should ask before then take a hold of my body for nothing. It's disrespectful and some abuse physical gripping for real.

Submitted July 18, 2021 at 02:39PM by shpr0ink

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