Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Do you carry in the home?

This question is more for those of you who, like me, have young children in the home. My first instinct is that from the time I get dressed in the morning until I get undressed to shower and go to bed (yes, I'm one of those heathens that showers at night), my holster is on just like any other piece of clothing.However, I have a wife who is a bit... uneasy about guns, and doesn't want me to have it on me around the house. At the same time, I have two young children under 3 years old, and probably 95% of evenings I end up tumbling around on the ground with them, horsing around or having them on my lap to read.I know that I should teach them to respect firearms and how to deal with them, but they aren't quite there yet cognitively or behaviorally so in the meantime it's best that they just don't know it exists, lest they announce it in public or start reaching for it.How do those of you who have, or have had, young children at home handled this? Do you carry around the house, lock it up, or some other option? I want to be able to protect my family, but I live in a relatively safe area and would rather not compromise my relationship/interactions with my family on the slim chance that I would need a gun immediately while at home.Appreciate the time and discussion! via /r/CCW

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