Thursday, December 27, 2018

Fat Guy - what works (a success story)

At 6'1" and 335 pounds I'm a fat guy. I have a large frame and used to be athletic but 20 years of beer drinking doesn't do a body good. I've posted on here a few times and the advice given has led me to figure out what works for me. I thought I'd just share it for any future big/fat man having trouble. Some of these are obvious but some are things I've not seen suggested here.​The "keys to victory" as the great John Madden would say arepants that fit loosely at the proper location (the waist band just under your belly button) and that contain 3%-5% spandex. You might buy a size or two up.suspenders (perry or holdup suspender's under-ups, both worn UNDER your over shirt)infinitely adjustable gun belt.under-shirt (plain white tshirt)iwb soft loops taco holsterowb magazine holstera horizontal carry is most concealed and most comfortablegenerously loose shirt around your belly​With this setup I can carry all day in total comfort and total concealment. I carry a full sized glock model 45 inside the waist band on my strong side hip and one spare magazine (an extended magazine, 19 rounds) OWB in a horizontal manner on my weak side hip. But it takes all of those steps. If one step is missing then either I'm not comfortable or I'm not concealed.​In this setup, most of the suggestions are to provide greater comfort. There are really only two that alter conceal-ability and that's holster and over shirt. The holster needs to fit tightly, which most iwb will do, and keep the butt of the gun tucked into your body as much as possible. The over shirt needs to disguise the shapes that are going on underneath. Heavier fabrics and darker colors help that.​You're going to want to start with comfortable pants that you can wear at the proper location (aka not under your gut). Buy them loose so you can stick shit inside your pants. I like the pants with a bit of spandex in them because they flex more giving you more comfort in your holster area. As you sit and stand you'll appreciate the flex because it keeps the holster from digging in as much and gives you room to adjust things. You want them wide enough to wear at the proper location because you're going to have to use suspenders.​Suspenders are a must. If you're a big guy like me there's no way your pants will stay up at the proper location -- just below the belly button (aka not under your gut) -- naturally or even with the greatest belt in the world. Forget about keeping them up with a gun it's just not gonna happen. Perry suspenders or holdup suspender's under-ups work great for me. They both conceal well under a loose shirt and no one notices them.​You still want a good gun belt but the suspenders are carrying all the weight. The belt is just an attachment point for your holsters. Get an infinitely adjustable belt because they're just more comfortable. I wear my belt a little loose so I can adjust things around and have play.​Wear an undershirt (plain white tshirt). A good close fitting holster is going to press into you and even more so if you're a big boy like me. The t-shirt gives you a little barrier between you and the gun. Between having a barrier between your skin and the gun and another layer to soak up sweat you'll be glad to always rock an under shirt.​You will want a loose fitting over shirt. Button ups work nicely but t-shirts are ok too. Darker colors conceal better than light. Heavier fabric seems to work better than lighter. This was the hardest part for me - finding shirts loose enough in the belly. You need a shirt that is extremely loose around your belly. There should not be any cling around your belly when standing. Pro tip: as you are putting on your over shirt, stretch it out to give you another inch or two.​Soft loops taco holster with a mid ride height works best for me. Taco holsters are the most minimal. I like soft loops because I get a bit of adjustment. When driving, I can reach back and tip the gun forward, changing the cant, and get comfort. My clip holster doesn't allow that. You're probably going to want a mid or lower ride height. This took some experimentation for me. While I like my bravo concealment holsters they just sit too damn high.​A horizontal spare magazine holster is your best bet for comfort and concealment. Otherwise I'd avoid iwb because with muffin tops it's just not gonna be comfortable. Before I discovered a horizontal magazine holster I used a kydex owb one. I found I had to move it around a lot because I needed it to be at 9:00 for sitting comfort and 7:00 for concealed standing/walking.​Hope this helps...​ via /r/CCW

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