Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Taking CCW course soon. What firearm to buy?

Turned 21 last month and plan on taking a CCW course in a few weeks. However, I’m not sure what to buy for a carry piece. Currently I own a Ruger Security 9 and this is more so a home defense/plinking piece, too big for me to have a desire to carry it. I’m thinking either an LCP II or Glock 43. I want something really concealable as I view convenience and ease of carry is very important. LCP II is obviously the more concealable of the two, as I’m also considering when spring and summer come around as I always wear shorts in those seasons and it will be an easy pocket carry. But the G43 packs the bigger 9mm, with not as much concealibilty. Is the sacrifice in concealabilty worth the bigger round? I’m also a college student (conceal carry is allowed on my campus) so I have a budget and the LCP II wins in that. My gut is leaning more towards the LCP II but I’m just unsure about the .380 and whether that will be able to save my skin in the unfortunate situation I do need the weapon. I’m open to other suggestions, but concealibilty and ease of carry is my biggest concern. Thank you for your input! via /r/CCW

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