Friday, November 24, 2017

Last Night Two Men Cut The Power To My House Then Kicked In My Basement Door. This Is What I Learned About My Defense Setup...

STORY: So last night was Thanksgiving obviously and I was out for most of the night. I got home about 8 o'clock and I live out on the coast in the middle of the woods where meth heads are present and police are an hour away. I always thought that I was safe though and that the drug addicts just kept to themselves.At about 10 o'clock I heard 3 large pounds one right after the other and they shook my house. It is not a small house either, it is a 3 story and about 2600 sq ft. On the third pound, I heard a crash and my alarm systems started going off, my 3 Great Danes. I will point out that 3 Great Danes are probably the shit your pants moment if you are breaking into someone's house.I ran into my office on the main floor and grabbed my 500 pump and a maglight flashlight, loaded up 1.5 oz slugs, opened the door to the basement stairs in pitch black and started going down with my dogs not letting me get in front of them. They are very protective guard dogs.When I got to the bottom of the stairs I was met by two large black men in black sweatshirts and wearing black bandanas as well. I pointed my shotgun and started yelling for them to get on the ground. My dogs were going nuts and barking and snarling at them. One guy was only halfway through the door and he immediately turned and ran.The other was doing something with one of my gun safes that I keep the guns I never use in. He yelled something like "Holy fuck shit fuck god damn fuck shit" as my youngest Dane was pulling at his sweatshirt. I told my Danes to "Leave it" and they went back to barking and snarling. I kept telling the guy to get on the ground but instead, he turned and tried to run. He tripped over a benchpress bar that was on the ground and smacked himself pretty good on my stationary bike. He got up and continued to run out my broken door as I struggled to keep my dogs from chasing him.I shut the door best I could and left my 2 youngest, and apparently most aggressive Dane in the basement and brought the oldest with me to my garage to get 2x4s and a drill and I got the door as secure as I could. I then called 911 to update them and they asked me if I wanted an officer to come out to search the area. I told them they could if they wanted to but I asked how long it would take and the operator said that it looks like the closest officer is about an hour away and I just laughed and told them that it was ok and not to worry about it.WHAT I LEARNED: Well, let's start from the outside of the problem and work in. The door itself was solid. A thick and heavy solid wood door. The weak point was the fact that I only had one deadbolt and the door handle latch thing to secure the door. For a door that rarely ever gets used, I will now get a top bolt and a bottom bolt on top of having the locking door handle.My second line was my alarm system as in my dogs. They worked great. They alerted me to the problem even though I already knew about it and they didn't back down to a threat. I have so much respect for all 3 of them it is crazy as I know that they were probably just as scared as I was. What did I learn? Dogs truly are mans best friend and I will always have dogs even though that would already be the case. The third line of defense was me and my weapon. I had that shotgun up and loaded within about 15-20 seconds and I attribute that to my experience competing in 3 gun matches with a pump gun. What I realized is that even though it is the shortest legal configuration at 18.5" barrel, it was still too long to have the gun in front of me while going through the tight staircase down to the basement. Also, I did not have a gun mounted light. In fact, I do not have a gun mounted light on any of my guns. That will change soon. This made it very hard to rack the slide on my pump when I saw the guys. I was holding my big maglight under the pump which felt like the equivalent to holding two shotguns. Not Ideal.My last line of defense failed miserably just like I knew it would just simply because of where I live. The middle of nowhere. Over an hour for a 911 response is stupid and pointless to even call which is why I called after the threat was gone and my home was secure.CHANGES I AM MAKING: Swapping my home defense gun from the hefty 12 gauge to my 10" AR10 pistol and buying a gun light and laser for it. A few reasons for this change. Multiple attackers and two seems to be a small group compared to the groups of fuck heads I see wondering the woods every once in a while so more than 5 rounds would be ideal and I do not really need to worry about over pen since I do not have neighbors although I might hit a squirrel or something. More like explode a squirrel with a .308... Other than that, my system worked well. Everything turned out good and I was able to get an electrition to come out and fix my electricity at 8 o'clock this morning with no notice which was amazing. If you have any input I would love to hear it. Stay safe and rescue some dogs from shelters as they need a home and will definitely help you protect yours in exchange. via /r/CCW

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