Monday, October 2, 2017

What would you have done?

Hi All,Was curious how others would have reacted in the same situation. I had just got home from work and driven by my neighbor 2 doors down. We're not close or anything. Just waive when we drive by. Their 16/17 yo daughter was out washing her car. I pull into my house sit for a minute in my garage and get out to go get the mail and hear a girl shrieking bloody murder and some dogs going absolutely bonkers. I peak my head around the corner and the same daughter is on the ground trying to hold back a dog as two other dogs are going absolutely crazy trying to attack it.I run over to see what sort of assistance I can provide and further assess the situation. I get over there and in between her screaming trying to separate the three dogs, I determine these are all in fact the family's dogs. Not a neighbor's dog or anything coming over to attack them.Now, I am not ashamed to admit I have 0 interest in intervening. I am a surgeon and my hands are literally my livelihood. I had made the decision that in no way would I intervene between three dogs killing each other. So I start yelling at the dogs and do what I can, which is pull the bigger, what i feel is the aggressor dog, away by his stakeout line. (the girl had basically brought all 3 dogs out to be with her while she washed her car and had staked all of them out on leashes/ropes so they wouldn't run away.)Meanwhile, this girl is failing miserably at holding the other two dogs at bay. The situation is escalating, but at this point the dogs have no interest in attacking the girl and are simply going after each other. At some point, we have migrated close enough to a gate and we are straddling the gate. At this point I make my move and basically come in from the side slamming the gate to separate them. In the end it all worked out fine, but my question is what would y'all have done if we wouldn't have been able to separate them or heaven forbid they turned on the girl?I guess if they would have turned on the girl and started going after her, my options would have been to become more involved physically, but I have a family and a career to look after vs. drawing and shooting one of the dogs, which isn't very appealing. I would be drawing a gun on someone else's private property that I don't really know and shooting their own dog in their own yard. Thats some poor optics and while in the heat of the moment the daughter would have been appreciative I wouldn't really look forward to discussing that with the neighbor when they returned and everyone had 20/20 hindsight optics. via /r/CCW

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