Thursday, October 26, 2017

Got pulled over out of state, handgun openly visible in center console.

Story time:Tuesday was my birthday, and I was on the way to Ohio from Tennessee to see a concert. As we (me+three friends) are passing through Kentucky at around 11 AM EST (entering Louisville specifically) on I-65, the speed limit had changed and we didn't know/notice given the rate at which traffic was moving. I was doing about 65, and was still getting passed even with steady amounts of traffic.One thing I noticed about Kentucky, compared to TN, is that speed limit signs are FAR more infrequent. I'm not sure why, but the highways in TN and Ohio are marked much more clearly and frequently. This isn't an excuse, just purely an observation from driving 900 miles round-trip in a 36 hour excursion.So, I'm in the far left lane at this point, and I see a Mustang in the left median slowly rolling, not parked. I assume it is a motorist that had issues and had to pull over, and is now trying to merge back into traffic. Wrong; unmarked PD. No tinted windows, no crazy antennae or police rims, looked just like a commercial 2016 mustang. So, there was no one in front or behind me, so I sped up a bit to about 75 pass them and give them more time to safely merge. Well, they whip out behind me, lights come on, and I'm surprised to say the least.Pull over, windows down, car off, hands on steering wheel. Officer comes up, asks where we're headed. Tell him Columbus Ohio, coming from Nashville. Didn't even bother telling him why I sped up. Then, I mention I have my TN CHP and where it is, right in from of us. He says he sees it, it's fine, doesn't seem concerned about it at all really, even with four of us in the car. He asked me what it was and we made some small talk about the M&P2.0, he then took my DL and registration and went back to his car. I offered him my CHP but he said he didn't need it. He came back with a ticket for 75 in a 55, and a flyer about an online driving-school type course that Louisville/KY does that will essentially dispel the ticket. Told us to slow down, welcome to Kentucky, etc.Proceeded to do 55 on the interstate for pretty much the rest of Kentucky. via /r/CCW

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