Friday, October 27, 2017

10/2017 : What is lacking in the CCW realm?

Since i've been carrying for a while now, and have always made a solid effort to get better every day in life I am reflecting what is lacking in the CCW realm.Here are my reflections in 2017 in what's lacking for the CCW person (either where the industry is lacking or where i see your average CCW person lacking):1A: medical training and equipment. while the PHLster flat pack and the various ankle medical carriers are a great step forward, very few CCWers I meet even know that tourniquets won't rot your leg off after 12 minutes, nor do they know how to carry, conceal and employ one. They have no idea what the "recovery position" is or how to do a sweep.1B: Low profile, TCCC approved tourniquets. I would love to see a hybrid of the best features of the SOFTTW and CAT and/or something low profile and effective. I still do not trust the RATS TQ and I don't care for the SWATT TQ for daily carry. Kids or pets? Sure.2: Holsters and other carry gear for women that is fighting on the ground for your life fight worthy that works with their clothing style. Enough said.3: Verbal Skills / "Verbal Judo" / Deescalation : Combative skills: Low light training and better night sights for those who want them.6: Legal Knowledge: Better holster clips that stand up to combatives/force on force. Hint : your discount plastic clip will fail during this...Thoughts? what steps forward would you like to see from yourself, your peers and the CCW industry in general? via /r/CCW

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