Thursday, October 26, 2017

Convo at Gun shop has me doubting my grip

I went to the local gun shop eyeing a Sig P229. I am holding the gun giving everything a once over: the trigger, grip, how it fits me, etc.. While I'm doing so, the gentlemen behind the counter makes mention of my grip and trigger finger.I hold handguns pretty standard: right hand dominance, high on gun, with support hand fitting in space on grip, placing fingers over fingers on grip, with thumbs pointed along the slide. On my Glock 23, my support hand thumb rests just short of the takedown switch without any real pressure against the slide. Trigger finger wise, I find that I shoot better while using more of the crease of my pointer finger, and not the pad. If I use the pad, I feel I like lose some ease of pull and I pull shots to the right.Guy makes note of this and asks if I shoot like this. "Of course I do", I say, "Why?" He notes my usage of the crease of my finger and I tell him why. He then tells me that he trained officers to shoot with the pad of finger and to use a bit of guidance from the support hand thumb to prevent any movement.Guy behind counter is an old school cop, beat streets for 25+ years and is knowledgable and cool, meant nothing by the comment. I've been shooting since I was 13 and I've more or less always used this grip and trigger pull with handguns. I shoot very well, humbly said. I put a 2 inch group through a friends HK USP in .45 at 10 yards with keyholes just this last weekI feel comfortable with my grip/trigger finger and I shoot well. I understand that as a firearms instructor, he had to find what worked for the most people in the most condensed amount of time. Any reason to doubt what I'm doing and see about switching how I do things? With that, does what works for me works for me and there is no reason to mess with what slight differences work for the individual? via /r/CCW

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