Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Why do Middle Class victims INSIST going 1 on 1 on bullies in a duel? Without getting into shape? Especially in the West and Westernized cultures?

I found this Tumblr.


And also this post.


I disagree with some of the stuff in the tumblr and martialtalk.com thread-particularly about the upperclass engaging in this behavior-but its spot on as far about its statement on victims of bullying and crime from middle class background insisting on not just handling bullies on their own but even attempting to handle all aggressors from muggers to jocks by engaging them in a one-on-one duel using sports fighting techniques.

Having been born into middle class but than moved down to the poverty line and living in a violent ghetto for much of my teen years, I was actually the type of person described in the post. I used to get beaten up when my family moved to the bad neighborhood after my dad's business got bankrupt. My response was exactly what OP described, start practising on the punching bag and such. However I'd still get bullied and beaten often because the bullies did the dirty tricks described in the MartialTalk threa and Tumblr such as multiple opponents, bringing bats, being larger and stronger, etc. It only stopped once I started making friends with some of my neighbors and we formed a crew to look out for each other such as avenging one of us being beaten by searching for the bully who did it and jumping him in an ambush.

Why does the middle class have this mentality especially in the West and countries strongly influenced by Western mentality such as Japan and Turkey? Not only in regards to handling bullies but even trying to hand all other types of aggressors from burglars to rapists and thieves?

Also why do so many of the middle class people often insist on this "dueling mentality" without at least getting into proper shape? I mean do they seriously expect to take on a six foot six inch football player jock by just taking a one hour weekly YMCA karate class? When my initial response was to hit the bag, I was actually putting entire afternoons on the bag but that still wasn't enough to take on even one of those other hoodlums. When me and my neighbors formed the crew, I quickly learned that not only were my bullies actually doing hard manual labor daily to put food on the table but I also learned from the crew members that I was severely out of shape. Sure I punched the bag for hours and did a few pushups but I was weak compared to the other crew members who, in addition to also working manual jobs, also spent hours lifting weights and running miles, playing football and other rough team sports, etc.

By the time no one in the hood dared mess with our crew, I had gotten very strong from the exercises crew members told me to do and the recreation time I spent playing basketball, etc with them and I actually could KO some of the old bullies in one blow.

So why does the middle class emphasize this psychology? I mean can't they at least bother getting into proper shape for one-on-one fights? Most of the victims of bullying I know who attempt to take martial arts to get back at their bullies don't even lift weights and many of them have difficulty doing a mere ten pushups, often in improper form!

Submitted August 22, 2017 at 11:14AM by STXSambodog http://ift.tt/2vVfdcN

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