Saturday, July 15, 2017

Questions from a CCW first timer

Hello all, I'm presently on my way to moving out of my current living situation (apartment w/roommates) to living by myself in a totally new area and figured it would be as good a time as any to invest in some personal protection, specifically a concealed firearm. Now I own a handful of guns that I inherited from my dad and the main candidate I was looking at was a small .22 LR Sterling pistol that I have. My question is, would this be a suitable candidate for a CCW? I'm a rather poor college student and was kinda just looking for a suitable gun to carry with me, until I can save up enough for a more substantial firearm (suggestions for affordable, reliable guns for CCW also appreciated). And for those wondering I live in the state of Florida. Thank you in advance for any and all advice.Edit: Obviously I'm asking this in the Conceal Carry Reddit but do you think I could also ask this in the main Guns Reddit? Just to cast my net as wide as possible. via /r/CCW

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