Saturday, July 15, 2017

Less is more...

I was never really one to dry a lot fire up until a couple months ago when I really ramped it up. I would typically shoot on average 300 rounds of 9mm a week over 2 range trips, which for me is about 50 dollars. I developed a pretty bad flinch this year because 95% of my practice was live-fire practice.Lately it's changed a lot. I only shoot about 150 live rounds a week, but dry fire way more than I used to...and guess what...I'm a way better shot now than I was 6 months ago...all because of dry-firing. Also I went from spending on average $50 a week to $25 a week, all while getting more proficient.Another thing that I found helped a lot was spreading your ammo out into more frequent range trips. I used to go only once or twice a week and dump at least 150 rounds at one time. Now I go 3 times a week and only shoot 50 rounds. I think a lot of people 1. get shooter fatigue and start missing... and 2. When you start to miss, its easy to get frustrated and just start shooting faster, consequently missing even more.Think of it this way...remember how back in the day(may still be a thing I'm not sure) a high school football coach would have his quarterback carry a football around school all day on the day of a big game...or a basketball coach with his point guard. What I'm saying is that by more dry firing-spreading your ammo out into more trips/ you are familiarizing yourself with your gun much more than going to the range once a week. Now, I have the benefit of having an outdoor range 10 minutes from my house that is only 45 dollars a year...I know that some people in big cities have to pay a range fee everytime and this won't be as easy for them, but at least try to just be at the range more days a week.It's also similar in fitness...the guy who goes to the gym everyday for 45 minutes only and isolates one muscle group is going to have way better results than the guy who goes once a week for 2 hours and tries to get a full-body workout in.TLDR: Spend more time dry firing than live shooting,go to the range more often...even if it means shooting only 50 rounds...50 rounds 3 days a week is better than 150 rounds once a week. You want your firearm to feel like an extension of your body, and the only way to do that is to dry fire or shoot every single day. via /r/CCW

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