Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I got charged by an unstable recycling man; came very close to drawing on him...(kinda long)

Sorry, this happened on Monday but I've been so busy at work that I haven't had time to post until now.Monday evening I went to the shooting range with my CZ PCR and Beretta 92fs compact. I put 100 rounds through both, did some draw > double tap training, trying to master the first double action shot and a single action follow up. After I was satisfied I packed up and headed home.I pulled onto my street and I was literally 200 yards from my house when I got stuck behind a recycling truck. No biggie. I was sitting there waiting for the dude to put my neighbor's bin back and get back in the passenger seat of the truck, when all the sudden he threw my neighbor's recycling bin like 30 feet into the air, got back in the truck, and just left it laying almost exactly in the middle of the road.wat.I like all my neighbors so I was pretty pissed at this point. I'm normally very level headed and quiet but I felt like I had to at least ask the guy to pick the bin back up and put it back.Once I pulled into my driveway, I walked back to the street and waited for the recycling truck to turn around. When they did and stopped to pick up my bin, I went up to the truck and politely asked why they decided to throw my neighbors bin and just leave it in the middle of the street.At this point, The recycling guy that threw it starts yelling a bunch of profanity about how he's "tired of picking up trash and shit for rich motherfuckers and you better learn your place before I get out dis truck and whoop yo' white lil ass".Okay. I tried to explain to mr. gangster that this is a middle class neighborhood and if he doesn't like his job maybe find a new one. I asked him again to please pick up the bin and put it back. I specifically said "I don't want any trouble but if you don't pick it up I'll have to call your supervisor and ask that you be assigned a new route."The next thing I know his door is opening up and I'm slowly walking backwards towards my car. He walked into my driveway and I put my hands up and said,"Dude, please get off of my property and just pick up the bin you threw. Don't come any closer." I should also mention at this point that I'm like 5'5" 170 pounds and this guy is at least 6'0" 220.He ran at me and I saw the pen he had in his right hand, clenched like he was intending to stab me with it.I never realized until that day just how fucking fast someone can close a short distance to you. He went from 7-10 yards away to 2-3 yards away in like half a second. I was terrified but instinct and the small amount of training I had took over.I turned my body into a sort of weaver stance so my center mass wasn't a giant target.My Beretta was still in my range bag but I had my PCR fully loaded appendix. I quickly moved up my shirt and grabbed the grip. I was seconds away from pulling my gun out and dude's eyes got big when he saw me reaching for my gun and he immediately turned and ran back to his truck.I yelled that I was calling the recycling center and reporting his stupid ass.As the driver floored it and flew down my street I remembered something.The bin.They hit my neighbors recycling bin that was still in the middle of the street and broke it in half.That's pretty much it and I tried to include all the details I remembered. My adrenaline was through the roof so it's all a little fuzzy.I picked up the bin and showed my neighbor then called the recycling center. I called the police as well but was basically told they weren't interested in taking a statement because no one got hurt and my gun didn't leave it's holster. I got a call yesterday from some manager there who told me that they fired the guy that ran at me and assigned the driver to a route across town.I hope I never have to use my ccw but I'm very glad I have it after this shit show. Some of my friends think I'm crazy because I almost never leave home without a pistol. This only reinforces my decision and shows that I'm not crazy, fucking other people are and you could end up dead from the most random altercation.The only thing I've really been giving myself a hard time about is that I let him basically back me up against the trunk of my car and I couldn't retreat further because of this.pew.TL;DR - Gangster wannabe recycling man threw my neighbors bin and left it in the street. I confronted him and he charged at me with a pen in his hand like he was going to stab me. I grabbed the grip of my CZ and he ran away and got fired. via /r/CCW

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