Saturday, June 3, 2017

New LTC (TX) need advice

Hey allI just received my LTC (CHL) in Texas ...I need advice now :)My current compact is a Bersa thunder .380I was wondering if anyone had holster suggestions ? Maybe under $100 if possible. I wear slightly tighter fitting jeans (not skin tight but somewhat fitted) but do wear a denim vest usually and sometimes a leather coat if it's cold. I'm not crazy about any style carry where the barrel points at my body. I was considering a shoulder holster.Also, I work in the entertainment business. This means I am often touring in different states at new venues every night.Does anybody have any experience conceal carrying LEGALLY at bar / venues ? I know many states, including Texas, prohibit it - but I also heard if the owner signs off on you being "security" that night it can be legal. I was considering including this in the contract for the act I work with and getting the venues to sign off on it .any thoughts ?Thanks all! via /r/CCW

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