Friday, June 30, 2017

Quick Stupid Question about Backpack Guns & CCW

If you're walking around with an AR-7 or similar survival rifle in your backpack would that be concealed carrying? It's not in a state capable of firing when in the backpack.I'm 99% sure if having a handgun in your backpack would be concealed carrying unless it was in a case with a lock? Where is the line between transporting and carrying? How strictly are things that enforced? Or is it all a situational gray area that depends on your intentions and who "catches you".Say I biked out to the local gun shop and pick up a handgun after passing the instant background check since there's no waiting period in my state (Virginia) I hop on my bike with the gun and ride home. On the way back from the shop I get pulled over for running a stop sign on my bike. I give the cops a heads up I just bought a hand gun & it's in the original hard case with the factory lock in my backpack. I imagine in that situation I'm not breaking any laws aside from the minor technical traffic one. But If it wasn't in a case & locked I'd be a different situation?I know with cars generally if it's in your trunk and out of the reach of the driver you're just transporting but if you're not traveling in car how are things handled?Just curious I have a car- don't own a gun since I'm just in a kinda shit college apartment with 3 roommates in a safe quiet town. Might get a .223 bolt range gun but have no immediate plans on getting a handgun/CCW/or ending up in the situation I just described. Just a random shower thought. via /r/CCW

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