Monday, June 26, 2017

Positive interaction with police minus a traffic citation.

I thought I would share this story. So yesterday I was pulled over for a traffic violation. I must have missed the sign where the speed changed.Anyways, I was on two lane country road with no shoulders to pull over on either side, so I kept going about 1.5 miles until I could find a safe place to pull over without needing a tow truck to get out of. I pulled out my DL and permit and held one hand on the wheel and the other out the window with my permit. The two officers slowly approached my vehicle and I promptly greeted them and did the standard duty to inform script and they seemed to immediately relax afterwards. No real response out of the officer so I just held my hands on the wheel and he said "I'll be right back" and took my license and permit to his car to unfortunately write me a traffic ticket but oh well life happens.Overall I think this was a positive interaction (minus the ticket) given that there was no confrontation or issues made about me carrying.The only thoughts I could see were maybe stopping sooner but had I stopped right when I saw the lights I would have been taking up the lane so passing cars would have to be going into oncoming traffic and the officer would also be stepping out into traffic coming both ways. In my judgement I thought it would be best to proceed to a safe place to stop. via /r/CCW

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