Sunday, May 22, 2016

What's the average draw and fire time for everyone?

I'm pretty new to CCW, (the act, not the lifestyle) and I was curious on everyone's draw and fire time. I've been practicing at home for a while now and my draw time is usually around .75-1.2 seconds but I've never had the chance to empty a magazine, and reload and empty the next one until today. I was at my S/O parents house in the country.My specs areShield 9mm - 7 round mag loadedDesantis sof-tuck holstercargo pants with an 8 round magazine in my right knee pocketThe target was a human sized cardboard sheet 6' x 2' placed 10 yards awayI had my S/O time me and my times wereDraw - 1sAim and first fire - .3 cumulative 1.3Empty mag - .7 - 2sReload - 3s - 5sEmpty next mag - .7 - 5.7sMy times may be slow but I didn't miss the target once!I was wondering how everyone else did and how I can improve my time. via /r/CCW

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