Thursday, May 26, 2016

When wearing non-cargo shorts and t-shirt / tank top, what do you carry?

This subreddit is strewn with comments like "I easily conceal a full size 1911," "My LCP conceals easily on me," "If you can't conceal a G19 you're not trying," etc, so in order to level the playing field, I want to know what everyone here carries when they're wearing light shorts (non-cargo style) and a summer tank-top or appropriately sized t-shirt (not an XXL t-shirt to conceal your 12 gauge pocket shotty). Please post what you carry when you wake up, get dressed for comfort on a hot summer day, and THEN decide "now what gun do I grab?". For me, its a G43 - I've stopped worrying entirely about whether its printing - it simply doesn't. I'm hunting for a gun belt so as to reduce the felt weight of it moving around IWB. Weight wise, its noticeable with a normal belt and light shorts, but size wise its perfect - what are you all carrying in the beginning of the hot months, and do you feel its a little too big, a little too small, or just right? via /r/CCW

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