Sunday, May 29, 2016

When to fire, in a non-threatening confrontation - mind experiment

This is a hypothetical question intended to explore the limits of when you draw and fire your weapon. Here's the scenario:You are in a public, but secluded place where someone you don't know approaches you. You warn them to keep their distance, but they continue to approach. They are not acting in any way that is overtly threatening. They haven't said anything to you, or made any action to draw a weapon (none is visible). They are looking at you, and clearly hear what you are saying (this is a theoretical situation, so let's just say that they make some kind of indication that they hear and understand you, just so we can eliminate the obvious "what if they are just deaf or foreign" reply). Let's also say that you are in a place where you can't retreat any further or simply walk/run away.At what point do you draw your weapon? At what point would you fire your weapon at someone who is simply continuing to calmly, deliberately approach you despite your telling them not to? They are not holding any obvious weapon that you can see. They are not threatening you directly. Would you really just shoot them?There is a point where a person would be too close for you to be able to successfully draw and defend yourself. So you want to draw before that point, obviously.And yet, there is something... weird... about the thought of shooting someone who hasn't actually attacked, or made any overt threat. They are just continuing to approach. This in itself could be seen as a threat, but do you get what I mean when I say it would seem weird to shoot them for that?Drawing a gun on someone is a serious thing to do. Most people say you shouldn't draw unless you are feeling like your life (or someone else's life) is in imminent danger. So, this is about where do you draw that line. In this mind experiment you're not in obvious, imminent danger, there's been no overt threat, and yet this stranger continues to approach you. So do you draw and shoot a person just for approaching you?Why do I ask? Predators are good at making their prey feel non-threatened until it's too late. I have seen videos of attacks where the attack doesn't happen until the attacker is too close for the victim to really do anything. I would assume that in a real world situation, a person who is intent on doing you harm wouldn't be broadcasting it in obvious body language. They would be trying to get close without raising suspicion, until it's too late.So what do you do?Before you say "Yes, I shoot them", consider what you're saying. A person is simply walking toward you, no sign of a threat, but they are ignoring your commands to stay back. So you kill them. Does that seem right?At the same time, consider the "do nothing" answer: The person is then able to get close enough to completely negate your gun. This seems equally ludicrous and wrong.It's kind of messing with my head, and I wonder if you guys can help me out with reasoning how to handle such a situation. Hope it's not a stupid question, I think about scenarios in my head when taking a shower, when would I draw, when would I shoot, etc. This was one that kind of stumps me. via /r/CCW

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