Sunday, July 2, 2023

Looking for some beginner tips

hey yall, yesterday i was violently assaulted by my neighbor. i carry pepper spray with me, and so i pepper sprayed her, but she’s literally crazy and that just made her more aggressive, so she knocked me flat on my back and started smashing my head into the pavement. i am concussed with a broken foot and my back is all sorts of fucked up. i told my leasing company she has 30 days to leave or they need to relocate me to a different building. I’m getting a restraining order but in the meantime, are there any helpful tips i should be aware of? aside from never leaving my apartment again until she’s gone? i feel incredibly scared and unsafe because she’s bigger than me, and this whole deal is traumatizing and i just want to be able to protect myself. thanks!

Submitted July 02, 2023 at 10:13AM by hcklbrry69

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