Thursday, July 6, 2023

Heads up . Myrtle Beach SC does not understand LEOSA

Was eating breakfast at the Beach yesterday. Bent down to get my grandson out of his high chair. Shirt Must have rode up a little. Waitress freaked out and said you can't have that gun in a family restaurant. I said OK and ignored her.Fast forward to walking out to the strip. MBPD approached and said I caused a disturbance . Mind you I am with all my kids, grandkids on Vacation. Officer asked if I was carrying a weapon. I said" as a courtesyto you, i will answer. Yes I am. " She asked for my Permit, I produced it and handed it to her.The Officer looked at it then looked up at me and said I was illegally carrying a concealed weapon. She had no idea what my LEOSA was. I informed her that tge permit was valid . Her response was " no, I have to charge you " I thought wow, are today's LEOs that ignorant of the law? I asked her to call her Sgt to get it straightened out. Her response was that I needed to slowly un holster, hand her my weapon. Then turn around. I politely asked if her body cam was rolling. She said yes. I spoke clearly toward her chest rig. I am not surrendering my lawfully carried firearm to you. I am not going to turn around. Family was beginning to freak out. I stayed calm . Informed Officer again that she shoukd call her Sgt. She looked confused, but finally called supervisor. To wrap up a long story, supervisor arrived, checked my credentials. Apologized and everyone left.My take on this is that a lot of LEOs need regular updates, training, info about differentkinds of carry via /r/CCW

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