Friday, July 7, 2023

Had a medical emergency while carrying and was transported to a hospital.

Just wanted to share this because never considered this possibility. While I was was driving I had a medical emergency that caused me to lose conscience for about 15 minutes. Fortunately, I was able to pull over safely before losing consciousness and other drivers saw my erratic behavior and called 911. I woke up to ems and police banging on my window, was evaluated on scene and transported to the nearest hospital. I made it the entire ambulance ride and when I got to the hospital doors I saw the no gun sign and finally realized I had my gun on me. Ems was cool and just had me take my gun and holster off my belt and they put it in the front of their ambulance then transfered it to a police officer who put it in a bag, ran the serial, and waited until my fiancé arrived to hand it off to her. All in all way less dramatic than I was expecting but this also happened in florida so ymmv. via /r/CCW

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