Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Revised, Update Intro Guide to Conceal Carrying. COVID-19 Edition. all the new traffic our community has seen because of COVID-19 I revised the updated intro guide. The updates are not specific to COVID-19 as the guide’s purpose is to be a summary for those getting started at any time. Anything specific to COVID-19 will be in this post.To those new here please read the linked intro guide then come back here to see the differences.The three biggest differences between getting into conceal carrying now and before is training and the lack of firearm/ammo availability.Normally the recommendation for training is to start with a basic handgun class like the NRA then moving onto a fundamental then intermediate then advanced classes. A lot of places are doing private one-on-one or small group classes for same households.Related to training is the lack of ammo availability. This leaves dry-firing as the most important thing you can do now. There are many YouTube videos about dry-firing; my recommendation is follow along the Mantis Dry Fire Monday series on the Active Self Protection Extra channel.Lastly, the biggest difference between getting into conceal carrying now and before is firearm availability. What they have is what they have. The normal recommendation is rent various firearms and see what works best for you. This is not the best piece of advice but given the COVID-19 situation the best option is buy what feels best in your hand.Honestly if you’re new to firearms you will not know what feels best while shooting. A Glock 19 and a Sig Sauer P320 will feel roughly the same while shooting but if you’re just handling it at the counter they will feel different.This should cover the differences and I hope it helps the new people to our community.Stay safe, social distance, and wash your hands. via /r/CCW

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