Thursday, April 2, 2020

PSA: Pets are considered property, and most states don't Allow lethal force to defend property.

Pets are considered property in almost every state, and you could be in serious trouble if you use lethal force to defend your property in almost every state. Unless the animal is attacking you or someone else, you are NOT legally able to use lethal force. You need to know the laws of your state in defense of property.A list of state statutes for the defense of property is listed below. Most are just lists of when LETHAL Force is Allowed, 95% of them DONT INCLUDE PROPERTY, unless you suspect trespass and arson.If you want your state's whole statute posted let me know.Downvote me all you want, but most of you need to be better informed. Obligatory, IANAL - I am a law of self-defense certified instructor.Pets are property sourceAll below statues taken from table 8-2 from The Law of Self Defense, 3rd Edition, Branca, Andrew.Alabama - 13A-3-26.Alaska - Section 11.81.350.:Arizona - Section 11.81.350.:Arkansas - 5-2-620.California - §197.Colorado - 18-1-705Connecticut - 53a-20Delaware - 466Florida - 776.013Georgia - 16-3-23Hawaii - 703-306Idaho - 18-4009Illinois - 7-2Indiana - 35-41-3-2Kansas - 21-5223Kentucky - 503.055Louisiana - 20Maine - 104.2Maryland - case law barton V StateMichigan - 780-951Minnesota - 609.065Mississippi - 97-3-15Missouri - 563-041Montana - 45-3-103Nebraska - 28-1411Nevada - 9New Hampshire - 627:7New Jersey - 2c:3-6New Mexico - 14-5170New York - 35.20North Carolina - 14-51.2North Dakota - 12.1-05-07Ohio - 2901.05Oklahoma - 21-1289.25Oregan - 161.225Pennsylvania - 507Rhode Island - 11-8-8South Carolina - 16-11-440South Dakota - 22-16-34Tennessee - 39-11-611Texas - 9.42Utah - 76-2-405Washington - State v BlandWest Virginia - state v PhelpsWisconson - 939.48Wyoming - 6.2.602 via /r/CCW

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