Monday, August 26, 2019

What form of self defense should I look into learning?

I’m sure my story is pretty similar to others on this sub. As a kid I was really small and really skinny (and a major pussy) and got picked on a lot. From roughhousing with friends to getting picked on by older kids/bullies, I never stood a chance. If I had to guesstimate what my “all-time record” is in any sort of physical altercation (whether heated or playful), I think it would be something around 0-400. That’s a guess, but the fact that I’m even around those numbers is definitely embarrassing. Regardless, I never stood a chance at winning because my “fight” strategy was to brace for impact because I knew I couldn’t win.

Fortunately for me, a large majority of these instances were more friendly “roughhousing” style occurrences. I was also a little shit with a big mouth (especially around my friends), so this isn’t a story about how I need new friends or anything like that.

Now it’s almost 10 years later, I’m 23, tall, lanky, and weak. I have the same friends and when we’re all going around roasting one another as we often do, I often get made fun of for being a wimp, often citing high school, and them also insisting that I still can’t defend myself now.

To be fair to them, they’re right. And I’m looking to become competent in some form of self defense. I don’t plan on ever using it, but would like to learn something so I can tell myself I’m no longer a wimp.

Is there a form of self-defense that’s good for beginners/lanky people?

Any other advice is appreciated!

Submitted August 26, 2019 at 07:28AM by chairwindowtree

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