Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Run in at the gas station yesterday

First let me start by saying that I don't ever really post here, but I browse almost daily. That being said, I thought I would share something that happened yesterday while at the gas station. Thankfully it was nothing crazy, but I was carrying at the time and I learned some valuable lessons from it.This particular gas station is one of those where the traffic is supposed to enter from one side and exit out the other; however, most people pay this no attention. I found myself doing the exact same thing yesterday, as the only open pumps were accessible if I drove past the pumps and turned around to face the other direction, just as the car at the pump in front of me had done. Most people do this at this particular gas station, as it rarely impedes traffic flow.As I get out of the truck and start to pump gas, the car in front of me leaves and a few seconds later this guy pulls up. Immediately he starts giving me the "go to hell you POS" look while angrily shaking his head at me. I was sitting back in my vehicle at this point talking with my wife, when he decided he would pull as close to the front of my truck as possible without hitting me. No joke, this dude spent all of 10-15 seconds inching closer and closer to my truck as my wife and I watched.Anyhow, after he gets within an inch of my front bumper, the guy proceeds to get out of his car and walk around to the pump while giving me the same "please go die today" glare. This guy is probably about 5' 9" and 200 lb of muscle, and it's pretty apparent he wants to have that hard ass look. I continue to ignore him as I sit in the truck with my wife, but every time I look his direction he is still staring at me and shaking his head angrily.When my truck finally filled up, I closed everything up and got back in to leave. After I backed up and was about to drive off, I gave the guy my best "what the hell is your problem" look and drove off.Lessons I learned:Keep your ego in check. I was absolutely furious at this guy after I drove off. Everything in me wanted to tell this guy to fuck off, but he was clearly looking for a fight and I didn't want to be the guy that ended up escalating the situation. I will also say that I probably shouldn't have even given him the look I gave before driving off.Remove yourself from these situations if you can. When this guy pulled up and started acting the way he did, I should have just stopped pumping and gone to another gas station. Instead, I continued doing what I was doing and kept myself in a very unsettling situation.Dangerous people like to create dangerous situations for no apparent reason. Let's face it, there are plenty of people full of pent-up anger out there that are looking for a reason to start a fight. You never know where you might find yourself when someone comes looking for trouble. Just do everything you can to make sure you aren't the one that gives them what they're looking for. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2zrFjFw

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