Wednesday, August 28, 2019

My neighbors had an altercation

This is more or less a question on my behalf. I’m not sure if this is the right flair, if I’m incorrect please direct me to the right place. Thanks.My neighbors were outside working on their vehicle, when a guy flew past them speeding and almost hit them, they yelled “slow down!” and the guy stopped, yelled some profanity then sped off. Within minutes, the angry driver returned with friends and then jumped my neighbor, and were beating him, his brother, and his elderly father. The father retreated into his home to grab his firearm, and that’s when the perpetrators left. Police were informed and everything was caught on camera.I just started carrying, I received my permit a couple of weeks ago, and have been researching the ever living hell out of good carrying etiquette. I am somewhat able bodied, I believe I’d be able to hold my own in a fight, but I also have a disadvantage due to my leg being severely broken over a year ago, I still have issues with it today.I still even after all of my research do not understand when I should draw my firearm. I don’t ever want to have to use my firearm or draw it, my neighborhood is getting worse and worse, nothing like this has ever happened before.I live in a gun friendly state, PA, and in a situation like this, I believe the best bet would be to retreat to my home and call the police. If the perpetrators were to try and enter my home to harm me, would it be justified to pull my ccw?Another situation is if I get jumped and outnumbered outside of my home, say in a parking lot or somewhere, is it justified to pull my ccw if it’s clear I’m losing the fight and getting the shit kicked out of me? I would believe so.I understand 100% that a CCW should be LAST resort. But I’m not sure if last resort is while I’m on the ground being beaten, or unable to escape while several guys are running at me with intent to harm. via /r/CCW

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