Thursday, August 29, 2019

Subcompact double action 9s

Hey all, I'm still pretty new to handguns, and am looking for advice/experience/ideas about subcompact carry pistols in 9mm.My first (and so far only) handgun is an SP-01 tactical. I've had it a few months and have about 500 rounds through it so far, and I'm loving it. I'm already pretty sure my next purchase will be a P-01 to go with it. However, I'm a chronic overthinker, so I've been reading all I can about subcompact 9mms in preparation for picking a more discreet carry gun for down the line. To be honest, concealed carry on an EDC basis really doesn't fit my lifestyle right now* (see note at end of post). But I'm looking at my options ahead of time with the idea that I can at least decide what I want, have it in hand, and start training with it. I could also get my permit so I'd have my options open.I've read a lot about keeping your carry/defense guns on a single platform to keep training and manipulation constant across the lineup. That makes sense to me. I also feel most comfortable with double action triggers for safety reasons. I think the P-01 will be an excellent compact for me. However, I'm a pretty skinny guy and won't be able to conceal a P-01 in the summer very easily. For a more concealable, social compromise type gun, that seems to leave me with single stack DAOs, as DA/SA seems to be tricky to fit into a platform much smaller than a RAMI. (I got to hold a RAMI last weekend, and it felt like a brick. Seems to me a gun worth stepping down from the P-01 for would have to be around an inch or thinner.)I'm aware of the Sig P290RS, Kel-Tec P-11 and PF-9, Ruger LC9 (original hammer-fired version), and various flavors of Kahr. There don't seem to be a lot of other DAO options in that size range, and those I've listed all have their fans and detractors. I guess what I'm looking for is any advice or experience you all have regarding these or similar alternatives. Are Kahr's more reliable than their online reputation seems to suggest? Are Kel-Tecs? Would it be a bad idea to go with the (recently) discontinued P290RS (maybe my top choice right now)? Am I overthinking the idea of sticking with DAOs? If the training similarity is less important than I've come to understand, this whole quest would get a lot simpler and I'd just pick up a P365, standard or XL (maybe one of each).Sorry for the long-winded, meandering post, and thanks for your input if you're still with me. Like I say, I'm probably overanalyzing this, and that's ok to tell me too. There just seems to be a LOT to learn out there, and it's tough to sift through it all and know what's important to pay attention to.*It's illegal to carry at my workplace (university campus) in my state, and also illegal to carry anywhere alcohol is served and consumed. Between those two restrictions, there are very few times I leave the house where it'd even be an option--maybe the odd trip to the grocery store. Between that, not having a family to look after, and the high level of safety in my town, there's more disincentive than reason to carry for me at this point in my life. via /r/CCW

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