Monday, December 3, 2018

Looking for help finding “good reason” to get a MD Wear and Carry permit

Hey y’all! I’m a VA resident who just took a refresher DC CCW course when my instructor told me that it’s not that hard to get a MD CCW permit if you appeal the state police’s decision to the civilian review board. He also thinks that with my job it’s worth a go. Let me also tell you a bit about my work and y’all can help me articulate my reasons exactly.I work for a lobby firm. My office is extremely pro 2A. My executive director is willing to write me a letter describing just about anything to get me a permit. He wants one too haha. However, I don’t want to commit any legal perjury in the process. Likely, I would actually do, to a bare minimum, anything he had to write that I did to get the permit.Anyway, one letter I found discussed the business end of “good and substantial” reason was thisOwner or employee of a business. You must submit photocopies of the Trader’s, Business or Narcotics License or Articles of Incorporation to support Business ownership or as an authorized employee. You must also submit photocopies of six random deposit slips or deposits within a year for the business or a letter from the bank attesting that you have a business account. If you are an employee, you must submit a letter from your employer on the business letter head, verifying your employment and detailing the requirement or desire from the owner that you be armed.So that doesn’t seem so bad. I can also articulate that my name, as a registered lobbyist, is a matter of public record. My name and bio is also on our website and our address is on google maps. Our office has also received death threats. However, according to the letter from the police,Personal Protection. There must be documented evidence of recent threats, robberies, and/or assaults, supported by official police reports or notarized statements from witnesses.And we have never reported the threats to the police. Certainly as well, none of the threats were directed towards me.Finally, I do, on occasion, drive thousands of dollars of equipment around across state lines including company cash (albeit in minuscule amounts).Do y’all have any suggestions as to how you would structure your reasoning letter portion of the application? Which parts would you emphasize, which points would you leave off? Are there any things my employer could add to his letter to better my chances?Thanks for reading! via /r/CCW

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