Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My Shapeshift experience

So I got the shapeshift earlier this month and had a few weeks to give it a try so I thought I would give you guys a review if you were considering it. I am not a reviewer by profession or anything, just trying to find something good for my Glock 19. Keep in mind though I am 6'2 280lbs so my experience is mostly from the fatty perspective.I started my ccw with a shield and it was great but decided I wanted to upgrade to a Glock 19 because it was everything I wanted and loved shooting it so I started my hunt for a good holster. I purchased the shapeshift based on some positive reviews and the ability to carry multiple positions for only $100 which was great.IWB - I carry 99% IWB and to be honest, its extremely comfortable. The backing felt good and didnt rub my skin wrong like some others do. It pretty well cushioned and while walking or sitting it felt great wearing at the 3:30 to 4 position. I had to loosen the retention a lot when I first got it but once at the right setting the click sounded great and it was plenty secure while still allowing me to draw without too much force. What worried me most was printing and before you say it, I know people dont look, but because I like my holster at almost full forward cant, I had a problem where my fat rolls were pushing the rear of the gun too far out and it was pretty obvious even to my wife who never remembers I carry. This is the driving point toward me returning it. Another thing I didnt like too well was the shell. I felt it took up a lot of real estate on the base and made the belt stretch too far across the shell. Dont think it did anything to the way I wore it but it seems like a flaw.AIWB - I'm too fat for this....OWB - I dont carry OWB unless my wife and I are going for a walk late at night so I had little experience with this setup. It honestly wasnt too bad although feeding the belt through was a pest. It felt comfy and hugged fairly well (maybe better than IWB) at the same position. No real complaints over it.Paddle - I only carried the paddle once and it was because I didnt like it. I think it stuck out way too far and I wouldnt help but swing my arm when walking and hit it constantly. It was a little hard to lock it in as well.Thats just my experience from a fat person so take it with a grain of salt. If I lost weight I might be more inclined to pick up the IWB only because I loved the comfort-ability but for now I will stick with my kydex ones. I also read some people saying this would scratch the gun but I never had that issue and I was checking pretty often. I think this holster is a good design and setup overall but just not for me. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2gFuXvE

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