Tuesday, October 24, 2017

(LE Encounter) First LE Encounter while driving-positive interaction

Hi all. So I recently had my first encounter with a LEO while carrying my concealed weapon. This was only my third time ever being pulled over, so I was understandably a little nervous as I was pulled over for speeding - almost 20mph over the limit, I was sure that I would receive a ticket. I typically appendix carry my Glock 43 in a Tier 1 Concealed-Agis, but this instance it was laying in my lap as I was on my home from breakfast with a friend and a little bloated. The cop turned on his lights behind me so I pulled over to the side of the road as far as I could, shut my vehicle off and rolled my window down. I quickly scrambled to put my CCW down in the door compartment before he walked up. I had my driver's license and CCW permit in hand when he approached and immediately informed him that I was carrying and that my weapon is sitting in my door, in case he were to see it. I told him I would keep my hands on the wheel and he thanked me for the heads up and asked if he could open my door to look at and I obliged. He opened my door, took a quick look before closing it and said he'll be right back with my ID and CCW permit. It didn't occur to me until later that I never offered him my insurance card, nor did he ask for it. The LEO came back two minutes later, thanked me for my cooperation and told me to pay attention to my speed. I would like to believe that my a combination of my respect and cooperation with the officer, along with being a CCW'er saved me from getting a hefty traffic violation.TLDR: pulled over for speeding with CCW in my lap, dropped CCW in door compartment, told LEO I was CCW and had ID cards ready, sent home with a light verbal warning and told to have a good day via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2yGpITL

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