Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Yet another "I was pulled over..." post

This is boring so turn back now. If you read ahead anyways then good luck.I've been carrying daily for about four years now. I have never been pulled over since I started carrying. After reading countless posts on /r/CCW about how others have dealt with their encounters it led me to have an idea of what I would do.I was driving home from work today and I set my cruise control once I was on the highway. I always drive with my cruise control and I credit that with keeping me from being pulled over.Then there's today where I stupidly let my foot rest on the gas pedal.I crested a hill while in the south bound lane and saw a Georgia State Patrol car parked on the edge of the north bound lane. The gray and blue colors of their cruisers are easily identifiable from a distance.I looked down at my dashboard: 71 MPH. Damn, this is a 55 zone. Unsurprisingly he did a u-turn and followed me after I passed him. He turned his lights on and I turned on my hazards as a result.I parked my car as far off the edge of the road as I could. I then let my driver side window all of the way down, turned off my car and placed the keys on the dash, and then I put my hands atop the steering wheel and waited.The trooper exited his car and approached my door.He said, "Good evening, sir. Can I see your license and insurance?""Yes. However, it's in my front right pocket. May I reach for it?"He replied, "Go ahead."I slowly retrieved my wallet from my pocket. Once it was out I removed my driver's license, insurance card, and my GWCL (Georgia Weapons Carry License). I handed him all three cards.He took them and slowly passed through each, stopping on my GWCL the longest and casting his eyes back at me briefly."Where are you headed today?" I presume he was seeing if I was familiar with this road."I am headed home from work," I replied."Do you know why I pulled you over?" he asked."Yes, I was speeding. I usually set my cruise control on 65..." it was at this point I realized I had said too much. I made the mistake of admitting to always driving 65 in this 55 zone.He interrupted me with, "65 is still speeding, sir."I just looked at him. I realized I had goofed so now I had to own my mistake.I said, "Yes, yes sir 65 is still speeding.""Okay," he replied, "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page."He then handed me my GWCL and insurance card. He walked back to his cruiser with my driver's license in his hand. At this point I was mentally screaming at myself for being stupid enough to admit to doing 65 through here every single day.A few moments later he returned to my window and handed me back my driver's license."I'm going to let you off today with a warning, sir"I looked at him for a moment in bewilderment. A Georgia State Patrolman is giving me a warning? The notorious GSP who tickets everyone?"Oh, well thank you sir," I said."Just slow down and drive safe Mr. Feral."That was the entire ordeal. Never once did we mention my gun. Georgia is not a duty to inform state but I always figured I would just hand them my permit as opposed to saying any buzz words like gun or firearm.TLDR: Pulled over by GSP for 71 in a 55. Handed him my GWCL. I was given a warning. I drove home in shock. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2fJa1mT

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