Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What would you do?

Sometimes I get crazy watching movies and wonder what I would if I was CCWing and in the role of the star actor. I just recently watched the movie "Kindap" (no real spoilers here). Basically lady is at a fair with her son maybe 4 - 5 yrs old. Steps away about 15 feet to take a call while he watches a show. Turns around and he's gone. Eventually sees him being struggled into a car by a fat Mama June looking lady and a male driver. She's able to run down the car and even pound on the windows at one point. Now... How does carrying a weapon change things?My perspective - and this is totally armchair quarterback here - I'm carrying my Shield 9mm at 3:30.. Someone is getting shot. The kids in the back seat. So if I don't have a clear sight at the driver while running along the side of car pounding on the window I'm shooting a tire out.. Or two. Go watch the movie I won't ruin it for you but you'll smash your head against the wall thinking of all the times you wish she was carrying... Lol. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2hGY7dB

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