Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Situational Awareness

Don't take this the wrong way, bringing it up because its something I've seen posted often on here.It shouldn't take owning/carrying a firearm to enforce you to walk around with your head up being aware of your surroundings. This is something you should always be doing regardless of carrying.I grew up in the heart of Chicago with a family of Cops, so this is something that was embedded into my head at a young age.Unaware people make easy targets. Walking around glued to your phone is a good way to get jump, robbed, or hit by a car(darwinism). Not only that but being situationally aware makes you an overall better person, wether it be in the car, holding the door for someone, etc.Future gun owners, don't wait until you get a firearm to start practicing situational awareness. It's a great habit, and you'll walk around confidently. People will take you serious, and muggers will think twice.Apologies if this came off like a lecture, I see people everyday walking around glued to their phones asking to get run over. Just something to think about.Thanks for reading. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2wq88PQ

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