Sunday, August 20, 2017

Security theater.

So today my Fiance woke up with the idea to go to the zoo. We're annual pass holders/members/volunteers at our local major zoo and we always have a good time so we head there and I grab my LCP and Spyderco PM2 and head into the park to be met with a 85 yr old man wanding people and making everyone dump their pockets.Well shit. So I'm pocket carrying the LCP in my right pocket with my knife. So we turn around and head back to our car so I can dump the knife but as we turn around the security guard asks us why were leaving and I say "I didn't realize security measures have increased here I need to put my knife in the car." I walk away before I hear what he responds with. So while walking to our car I decide I'm gonna move the LCP to AIWB directly behind my belt buckle (since I'm a bigger guy it hides completely you can stare at it and not see it.)So I dump the knife and we head back up and this 85 yr old security guard is just glaring at me hard. Maybe he got upset I originally had a knife on me? Oh well. So I dump my pockets, wallet, phone, keys, etc. And he starts this overly thorough wanding over me, he made sure to wand my entire was it line (except 11-1o clock) and gave me the all clear. He just waves the wand quickly over my fiance and we're allowed in. I stand behind the entrance just to confirm my suspicion. And sure enough the next guy that comes through gets barely a once over with the wand before being allowed in. He was definitely scrutinizing me most likely because of my earlier comment. But I still got my LCP inside and no one was the wiser because it's all a joke. One big security theater.Sorry for any mistakes on Mobile and a few beers deep. I guess the lesson here is to simply not offer any more information than necessary. I should have just told him I left something important behind or simply not answered him at all. And it's sad that this is what this zoo is becoming. I've carried my full size Glock within the park dozens of times and even volunteering. It's a shame they're becoming more fearful. But they're not protecting themselves sufficiently enough. If me a good guy can beat the security by simple placement then any bad guy can too. via /r/CCW

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