Friday, August 11, 2017

Mind Blown.. What now?

So, I have been carrying about 2-3 years now. Appendix, pps m2 on the daily and a LCP 2 for deep concealment. I go to the range once a week, hit pretty solid groups and run drills (not as many as I would like to) at home. I practice with my Lazerlyte and work on situational awareness.With that being said I went to a shooting class called "Sealed Mindset" here in Minnesota. Its a weekly class (only $35) taught by a former Navy Seal that specializes in specific drills, shooting techniques and situational awareness. I was looking for a class here that was a step beyond the classic CCW course, something more hands on and more theorycraft, not just point and shoot.Fuck.. Me..I thought I new how to shoot, but these guys had a completely different approach to carrying and I am not too sure on how to proceed.First, I was the ONLY person carrying a single stack. Everyone else was carrying full sized, G19's or S&Ws. Second, I was the only one carrying appendix, everyone else was at 3-4:30. Third, I always took the FBI approach to my shooting technique (weaver stance) where these guys taught the the fighter stance (see link below).He basically tore everything from my grip, breathing technique etc and had me training the classic 1-5 stances.Now, I understand that for most people this is a good way to lay the foundation, but in all practicality I have been pretty against this standard form as it just doesnt feel natural to me. It has me questioning a lot of my carrying technique and whether I should be adjusting these things or not. It had me walking out of there swearing I would buy a double stack (I have a ppq for home defense) and carrying that on a day to day. I purchased a new holster and I will carry my ppq as a trial, but I guess I dont really know where to go from here. I walked into that class wondering if I should be in the advanced course and walked out wondering if I should even be in the beginner course.I feel like the class had a lot of really good information and seems to be run by competent people. However, I have always gone with my gut on what works for CCW. Should I stay the course and go back, or find something that fits more of my "natural" inclination? via /r/CCW

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