Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Follow-up on "Neighbor charges with a baseball bat, I didn't draw or shoot."

Original thread (tl;dr is pretty much the title, plus the next day he threatened me with a rifle): you guys might like a follow-up. This situation kind of consumed my life for a bit. Here goes:Cops/courts/property managers can do fuck-all in this kind of situation without witnesses and/or evidence. In this specific instance, the aggressor even knew how to dance right up to the legal-line just shy of assault (baseball bat incident) and brandishing (rifle incident).I am a dependentless single renter, so moving was the safest, cheapest & most expedient option.After the initial incidents, I did not return to the old property alone. I stayed with a relative while I looked for a new place, and only returned to the old property to box up & move.On my trips back and forth while moving, I made sure I wasn't alone (aggressor showed he was camera-shy during the rifle incident, so he's probably witness-shy too).Also, I carried a "less lethal" option of pepper spray in addition to a firearm. I do not ordinarily carry pepper spray, but I wanted to have a "less lethal" option because I was so close to being out of there that I wanted to do everything possible avoid using lethal force (although I had lethal force with me in case I needed it).Fortunately, I didn't need the pepper spray or the gun. In fact, I never saw Mr Aggressor or his chicken-legged girlfriend again. I did see their cars at the property a few times, but they had no more theatrics for me.After moving, I took a few steps based on lessons learned:1) Bought a security system. I now have video+audio cameras pointed at my front/back doors and the spot where I park my car.2) Bought a dash cam. Although unrelated to this situation, road rage happens...and is even more likely to get litigious since it happens in public.3) Being the bigger man and walking away can be tough. I had several people say things like, "But if you give up and move, he wins!" Well, there are no winners in this type of situation; you can only lose. It's just a matter of how much.In my case, the "loss" chalks up like this:A) About $3,000 total spent on security deposit + first month's rent, purchasing a security system + dash cam, and other odds and ends related to moving.B) About a month of my free time completely eaten up by searching for a new place to live, and getting situated.C) A ton of stress worrying about how to get myself moved out of the old place while avoiding a situation that requires busting a cap.The non-negatives:A) Despite my old neighbor's all-encompassing shitlordness, I was able to get out both times without turning it into a DGU and that's good for everybody involved.B) The new place is great. Better neighborhood, better space, closer to work. Plus, moving is always a great opportunity to "de-clutter" and let go of some useless junk.C) I received a call from the property manager from my old place. They apologized for all that happened, and stated that Mr & Mrs trash from next door were in the process of being kicked out. It happened too late for my benefit, but at least they got what was coming to them. Apparently they were shit tenants all-around, so their actions toward me were just the icing on the eviction cake.TL;DR Total pain-in-the-ass situation with a baseball bat/rifle-wielding buffoon, but at least DGUs were avoided. via /r/CCW

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