Monday, August 14, 2017

First, and hopefully last DGU

I live in a city where there's a bit of a homelessness epidemic. My neighborhood is mostly OK... ish, but the county hospital is right down the block and there're frequently less than stable people roaming around after they get kicked out, or wandering in from one of the tent encampments to root through dumpsters and/or scream at invisible goblins.Was outside my apt smoking and reading on my phone as a guy walks by. I didn't have glasses on, so until I got a good look at him I couldn't tell he was "off", so I let him pass behind me, something I never do.Out of the corner of my eye I see him charge at me, and he grabs for my phone, screaming "GIMME THE PHONE GIMMIE THE PHONE". I wrestle it away from him, create some space and draw, and he suddenly remembers an appointment elsewhere.I'm shaking like a leaf, trying to compute what just happened when it gets even more bizarre.He comes back a few minutes later and approaches me again. I'm screaming at him to stop and turn around and draw again. He ignores the gun, continues to approach until I'm freaking out over whether to shoot, and he says "thank you for correcting me, that was wrong", then shambles off.I hope that never happens again. I was shaking like a leaf for an hour. I was literally begging him to stop approaching and he was so far in outer space he didn't even register the gun the second time. via /r/CCW

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