Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Just had negligent discharge in house- need help and advice, training reccomendations

I literally just had a negligent discharge in my house.I have been CCWing either a Glock 19 (for the last year) and Ruger LCPII (for the last few months) depending on the situation/attire I have. I have felt fairly competent for the duration of this time, having been a reader here for the last couple of years and having made numerous trips to the range to build shooting skills.I have been of the mentality that Glocks are safe to carry and that the best way to carry a gun is with a round in the chamber, as I will not have time to chamber a round in the heat of the moment should I need my weapon.Just a few minutes ago, I took the aforementioned Glock 19 out of my bedside table to try the grip, as I recently sanded the curve in the trigger guard down. I then stepped out of my bedroom and into our hallway and raised the gun to look down the sights to check the brightness of my nightsights in dim light.It was at that point that I placed my finger in the trigger guard to check the "creep" in the trigger that people mention. A few "checks" later was my negligent discharge.The bullet traveled down the hallway, past our empty and unoccupied guest bedroom and through the doorway to our home office, which was unoccupied at the time. The bullet went through the opened doorway and across the span of the room, lodging into the wall, which is also an exterior wall to the house. The round was a jacketed hollowpoint and the wall was brick, so it did not penetrate the bounds of the house, where it could have travelled a few more feet and lodged into another brick retaining wall and the earth.I thought I was competent with firearms but did not grow up around guns and have only been a gun owner for the last 2 or 3 years. I am shaken and have lost confidence in my self, my wife has forbidden my from having a weapon with a round in the chamber in our house, and my Glock is currently back in my bedside table with the slide removed from the frame.Please shame me and tell me what an ass I am and what training I need to not accidently kill someone, one of our dogs, or make my wife feel unsafe considering we are trying to start a family.EDIT: TLDR- Just had negligent discharge, know am idiot, please advise via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2tIRZaB

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